Why Us
call todayThe Centre prides itself on its reputation and dedication to all who enters its doors.
The York Therapy Centre has a strict and unconditional code of practice and ethics to the highest order, which often surpasses recommendations from professional associations.
Each therapist at the Centre, holds professional qualification certificates in their own specialist field of therapy, together with professional indemnity insurance certificates. All therapists at this Centre have at least seven years’ experience in their own specialist fields of expertise and agree to be bound to a code of practice second to none, which is enforced to ensure your first-class treatment, therapy, privacy and care – always.
Individual therapists who practice at the Centre, are full members of at least one professional association and are often full members of multiple accredited professional associations within their field of expertise.
Your private and confidential treatment, together with the cure of your symptoms is our only goal. Your therapy, treatment and your details are strictly confidential to your therapist only. NO-ONE, not even reception staff, will ever know why you have visited the Centre.
This video link explains E.D. & Shock Wave Therapy; A must watch for all men.
American E.D. Specialist, Mr Alex Tatem.
He takes the words right out of my mouth and explains ‘everything’ (even the machine we use) perfectly.
The same process, care and Therapy, here at our Treatment Centre here in the UK!
York Therapy Centre
Extremely Experienced Consultants And Skilled Practitioners Are Using A Range Of The Latest Treatment From ‘Shorz focused Acoustic Shock Wave Technologies.’
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
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What is Peyronie's Disease?
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What is Shock Wave Therapy?
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Private & Confidential Therapy
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Our Approach & Values
The York Therapy Centre offers many differing types of therapy to enable us to help you with the best possible care and treatment: these include the New ‘Shock Wave Therapy’, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Analytical Therapy and Hypno-Analytical Therapy.
We excel in finding answers and cures; providing the freedom you seek from a huge range of symptoms, illness and pain. We thrive to assist all who strive to be free and we are dedicated to help you overcome any symptoms.
We specialise in E.D., Peyronie’s Disease, Stress and Anxiety related illnesses, all Psychosomatic symptoms, including Depression, Nervous Disorders and providing reassurance and assistance with any problems where emotional or psychological forces are hampering the freedom we all deserve.
York Therapy Centre is located at Clifton Moor, near York. It benefits from full public transport availability including bus routes and offers free parking outside and is a disabled friendly Centre.
Your first FREE introductory consultation will fully explain your symptoms and what may be causing them. Therapy treatments will be explained, together with how many consultations may be required to suit your individual needs. Call now for your FREE initial consultation.
York Therapy Centre has a reputation for effective and lasting cures for illnesses, and Psychosomatic Symptoms, together with confidentiality and dedication to its clients. The Centre prides itself on its reputation and dedication to all who enter its doors.
The Centre has private and professional consulting rooms.
The Centre was established by Mr A. Wood and opened in 1992.
The Centre is bound by a code of conduct and ethics to the highest order.
Doctors, Professional Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Analytical Associations recommend the Centre.
The Centre has a reputation for effective and lasting cures for illness and Psychosomatic Symptoms, together with confidentiality and dedication to its clients.

Treatment with ‘Focused Shock Wave Therapy’ for Peyronie’s Disease AND Erectile Dysfunction is extremely easy and non-invasive.
It usually takes just six treatments (two per week – for three weeks) each treatment only takes 20 minutes.
There are no side effects, treatment is completely private and confidential. It is completely painless, while proven to be extremely effective in medical trials, and frequently gives you a new future and your whole life back!
Call our Senior Specialist Consultant Mr A. Wood, to arrange a Free and Private Initial Consultation by phone or in the Therapy Centre Clinic.
All calls are Private and Confidential.
Call for a Free Initial Consultation to Assess your Symptoms and Treatment Suitability.
If you are suitable for treatment with Shock Wave Therapy, getting your life and sex-life back with the treatment is simple, easy, painless and normally completed in just three weeks.
Call our Senior Specialist Consultant Mr A. Wood now for a free and private initial consultation. If he is busy feel free and secure to leave your name and number, when Mr Wood calls you back he will never say where he is calling from (this protects your confidentiality), he simply says “Hi, it’s Adrian Wood returning your call – how can I help?”
All calls are Private and Confidential.
Call 07761436688
Your Freedom and Future Are in Your Hands!