Private & Confidential
call todayWe Specialise in Private and Confidential Therapies for many Symptoms, including Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, Pelvic Pain Syndrome, Stress, Anxiety and many Psychological and/or Emotional Symptoms.
We offer many CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVATE Therapies and clinical treatments, from talking therapies to the ‘Ground-breaking,’ New and Exciting ‘Focused Shock Wave Therapy’.
Discretion and Privacy with Confidential Therapy and Treatment
York Therapy Centre prides itself on its ambiguously placed Private and Professional consulting rooms. We are bound by a code of conduct and ethics to the highest order. Our code of practice means that your privacy and confidentiality are taken extremely seriously. All consultations and treatments at York Therapy Centre are completely Private and Confidential. Doctors, Professional Associations and Therapists recommend the York Therapy Centre.
The York Therapy Centre has a reputation for effective and lasting cures for many differing symptoms, illnesses and psychosomatic symptoms, together with confidentiality and dedication to its clients. York Therapy Centre prides itself on its reputation and dedication to all who enter its doors.
Erectile dysfunction is a sensitive and personal subject for most men seeking help. 30 years’ experience will allow you to feel secure in the knowledge that we fully understand your needs and concerns regarding your confidentiality, your feelings and your privacy.
This video link explains E.D. & Shock Wave Therapy; A must watch for all men.
American E.D. Specialist, Mr Alex Tatem.
He takes the words right out of my mouth and explains ‘everything’ (even the machine we use) perfectly.
The same process, care and therapy, here at our Treatment Centre here in the UK!
York Therapy Centre

Private and Confidential Contact
All initial contact and introductory consultations are conducted in complete privacy with our Senior Consultant Mr A. Wood.
Please contact Mr Wood, by his Private and Confidential mobile phone. If he is unable to answer, simply leave your name and number. Mr Wood will call you back as soon as possible. When he calls you back, he will not mention where he is calling from, this protects your confidentiality. He will simply say… “Hi, It’s Adrian Wood, I’m just returning your call” this ensures you are free and able to speak freely in your call.
Your privacy will remain complete all the way through your treatment to your successful therapy conclusion.
Not even reception staff will EVER know the nature of your visit. We offer therapy for general Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, while also specialising in Stress, Anxiety and Psychosomatic illness – No-one knows why you are here!
We understand your wants and needs for confidentiality and will provide it… naturally and perfectly, every time.
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
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What is Peyronie's Disease?
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What is Shock Wave Therapy?
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Private & Confidential Therapy
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Call for a Free Initial Consultation to Assess your Symptoms and Treatment Suitability.
If you are suitable for treatment with Shock Wave Therapy, getting your life and sex-life back with the treatment is simple, easy, painless and normally completed in just three weeks.
Call our Senior Specialist Consultant Mr A. Wood now for a free and private initial consultation. If he is busy feel free and secure to leave your name and number, when Mr Wood calls you back he will never say where he is calling from (this protects your confidentiality), he simply says “Hi, it’s Adrian Wood returning your call – how can I help?”
All calls are Private and Confidential.
Call 07761436688
Your Freedom and Future Are in Your Hands!